Drug Abuse is a problem that has been immensely increasing among youths in our society today. It's irritating and disgusting that our beloved society that should be producing responsible and dedicated youth is continuously turning into a kind of society that produces  irresponsible youths who become nuisance to the society.
Drug abuse is the primary reason why many Nigerian youths have been incarcerated as well as being jobless, a source of crime and health problems in our society today.
Within the last decade, the consumption of hard
drugs has drastically increased in Nigeria.
Substances such as alcohol, cannabis,
amphetamines among others are now being
taken frequently and in large quantities by our
Teenagers and youths between the ages of 15yrs
and 30yrs constitute the high risk group with
females also involved. Other group of
abusers are drivers, conductors, civil servants
and even artistes.
The drugs or substances that are being taken
can be illicit drugs such as cocaine, heroin or
legal substances such as prescription drugs like
paracetamol etc. when used in excess
or without medical prescription.
The National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency
(NDLEA) can still raise the tempo of its
effectiveness by investing heavily on
technological devices that can enhance its ability
to detect drug traffickers or consumers to thwart
and frustrate their effort.
The agency and relevant stakeholders should
also embark on sustained public enlightenment
campaigns against consumption of illicit drugs
using bill boards, radio/TV jingles, fliers, banners,
pamphlets etc.
The once-suggested plan to introduce the
campaign against the use of hard drugs into
secondary school curriculum should also be
Moreover, it is most heart-rending to know that
there are tons of drugs in circulation which are
either adulterated or have fake NAFDAC numbers
on them, or expired but are still being consumed
by ignorant and unsuspecting Nigerians.
Addiction to drugs/substances can be emotional,
psychological, biochemical dependent or a
combination of the three. Users who are
psychologically dependent feel that they need
drugs in order to feel good about themselves,
whereas those who are emotionally dependent
need increasingly larger doses of drugs in order
to achieve the initial effects and will suffer from
withdrawal symptoms when they stop.
Cannabis and Indian hemp are the most
frequently abused drugs in Nigeria, followed by
amphetamines and to a lesser extent heroin and
cocaine. Organic solvents are also becoming
increasingly popular especially among street
Anxiety, frustration and economic depression,
unemployment and social deprivation are among
the many reasons linked to drugs abuse, while
the belief among long distance drivers and some
law enforcement agents is that narcotics will
increase their energy level for long and tedious
Drug abuse can totally be overcome and
eradicated in Nigeria through
awareness and proper education.
Finally,i will like to acknowledge the  effort of the organizers of Naturally High Music Festival for such a fantastic and superb idea. Kudos for your struggle to revive our social value among youths.
It's my advice to the Nigeria youths to "Stop the drugs abuse,we don't need it. SAY NO TO DRUGS ABUSE". And it's my anticipation that the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and the Nigeria Police Force will collaborate and find a solution to Drug Abuse in Nigeria. Our
youths are said to be our asset, but if left
untrained and uncared for, must surely be our

(Mubarak Ibrahim Mustapha).


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