Drug Abuse is a problem that has been immensely increasing among youths in our society today. It's irritating and disgusting that our beloved society that should be producing responsible and dedicated youth is continuously turning into a kind of society that produces irresponsible youths who become nuisance to the society. Drug abuse is the primary reason why many Nigerian youths have been incarcerated as well as being jobless, a source of crime and health problems in our society today. Within the last decade, the consumption of hard drugs has drastically increased in Nigeria. Substances such as alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines among others are now being taken frequently and in large quantities by our youths. Teenagers and youths between the ages of 15yrs and 30yrs constitute the high risk group with females also involved. Other group of abusers are drivers, conductors, civil servants and even artistes. The drugs or substances that are being taken can be illicit d...